I sold three thousand dollars worth in la crosse . 光在拉克劳斯城里我就卖了元的货。 ”
How did you come out with that la crosse man you were telling me about ? 你上次和我说的那笔和拉克劳斯人的生意做得怎么样? ”
From august 2003 to june 2004 furthered his studies at university of wisconsin - la crosse ( uw - l ) , usa 2003年8月至2004年6月作为访问学者到美国威斯康辛拉克罗斯大学进修学习。
David morris of allergy associates in la crosse , wis . , is the most vocal advocate of slit in the u . s 美国威斯康辛州拉克罗斯镇免疫联合诊所的莫瑞斯,是美国境内鼓吹slit的人当中最积极的一位。
One was the regular terminal get - together of the modern languages department of university of wisconsin - la crosse outside the house of a professor by the mississippi river 威斯康星?拉克罗丝大学现代语言系每学期末会在一名教授家外(在密西西比河旁)举行这种聚会。